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Social Media Marketing: 4 Keys to Effective Time Management on Social Media

Your business relies on Social Media to engage customers and drive them to your website. Social Media is constantly evolving and the number of channels grows monthly. You depend upon them to deliver your brand’s message, but as your social media presence grows, posting content will require an increasing amount of your time. Through better time management you can accommodate Social Media demands while still devoting the bulk of your day to running your business.

So how do you balance a growing need to feed your Social Media presence without letting it monopolize your time? When it comes to time management, organization is the key. One of my favorite ways to organize both myself and my plans when things get busy has always been a “Things To Do” list. In this article I will share a basic checklist on how to effectively time manage your Social Media efforts.

1. Schedule your posts using social media management software.

Finding the times when your customers are engaging with your brand is great for building awareness and engagement, but if you have a busy afternoon, you may not be available at the optimal times. Using a SM management program like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck allows you to automate your social media posts so that they appear when you need them to, not when you have time available.

2. Keep a reserve of content to post.

Having a folder of articles at the ready will eliminate wasted time deciding what you want to post. Don’t forget the “rule of thirds”, sharing related content articles from other sources one-third of the time, posting your own content one-third, and talking about yourself or your business the other third.Google Alerts are a handy tool to discover articles and content based on keywords. A Google Alert can point you towards relevant content you’re not browsing and expanding your offerings. Don’t forget to create a rule in your email program and send the alerts to a separate folder, so you won’t clutter your inbox.

3. Use your mobile devices to check in.

It is important to respond to customers inquiries and comments in a timely fashion. If you can’t be at your desk, you can always use the mobile versions of your social media platforms to stay in touch. Take a few extra minutes between meetings to check for messages and comments so that you can respond in a more timely fashion. It will appear to your customers that their messages are a high priority, and you will provide a better customer experience.

4. Don’t over-complicate the process.

We often spend too much time “tweeking” what we do, or being hyper-critical of our ideas. Social media is an extension of your brand’s personality. As with any personal interaction, it is best to be natural and spontaneous. Have standard replies to commonly asked questions as a part of your company’s Social Media plan. In cases not accounted for, remember to be natural, spontaneous and respond in a voice consistent with your Social Media plan.

Time management is easier when you follow this simple list of “Things to Do” when posting to Social Media will allow you to cultivate an ever-present image without having to always be there to do so. Your social media followers will feel like you’re always there for them. You’ll be in control of your own schedule, spend less time making content decisions, and your customers will feel more engaged with your brand. Most importantly, better time management will empower you to spend your time growing the business.